
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Take the Pledge!

"NFCA encourages you to Take the Pledge!
When you fill out the Pledge form below, you promise to:
  • The gluten-free diet is not a fad.  We know this, you know this - it's a treatment that's here to stay.
  • Celiac disease is not a food allergy. Let's take this opportunity to set the record straight!
Be Empowered:
  • We can work together to amplify our voice to raise awareness of gluten-related disorders.
  • We are in the driver's seat when it comes to managing our own health.
  • You play a key role in helping family members understand their risk for this genetic autoimmune disease.
  • 83% of people with celiac disease remain undiagnosed. We have the power to change that by sharing our personal stories and raising awareness of the signs and symptoms."
Click here to Take the Pledge now.

Why did I take the pledge?
I took the pledge, because I want to continue to be a positive voice for the gluten-free lifestyle through my blog. I plan to fulfill my pledge by informing others of the many great gluten-free options out there, and how to best handle the gluten-free lifestyle. I am a strong supporter of the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness, because it helps to educate, advocate, and empower people with Celiac Disease.