
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Gluten-free Banana Nut Muffins

One of my favorite treats of all time is the banana nut muffin. And the good thing about it is that it's super easy to make! I used a gluten-free yellow cake mix (mine was a generic brand), and added one and a half banana and a handful of walnuts. It really made the yellow cake mix taste so much better with these ingredients! To garnish, I added some powdered sugar. I also sprinkled a few of the muffins with walnuts before I put them in the oven (I did them in two batches).

It made it eclectic, but at the same time it made it seem like I made a bunch of different muffins instead of just one kind :). All I needed to do was follow the directions on the packet! Sometimes it's just easier to get a mix instead of making it from scratch (I was in a time crunch at the time). Fortunately, ready-made gluten-free mixes are available in most mainstream grocery stores these days!

The next time you head to the store make sure you grab a ready made gluten-free cake mix and try it out! If you want step by step instructions then check out my banana nut bread recipe.
